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Although I normally write about all things related to 2 wheels, I thought there would be interest for people my age in something a little different, functional, and fun to ride in the 4-wheel category. Disclaimer: I have no affiliation with the manufacturer (or dealers) of this product, and have not been financially compensated in any way for my opinions.

The Cheeta Ninja ...
... and why it's Out of This World.
A Stella Review by Joe Zimmerman
Having lived in New York and California most of my life, it was time to retire to a lifestyle of riding my motorcycle in a more rural area of the Mid-west. Moving meant buying some land and working on it. So I put my Honda NC700X to the side and began a search for a specific vehicle to assist me with my particular property needs, which included hauling around a medium size gorilla wagon that I would load dirt into, as well as rocks, broken branches, and light equipment. Additionally I needed something to be able to occasionally grade dirt and a gravel path using a small drag harrow.
During my search for such a vehicle I was considering a small tractor, a John Deere lawn mower, and even a mid-size ATV. But, all of those options involved the usual (but necessary) “hassles” that included regular oil changes, gasoline storage, brake changes, chokes, spark plugs, carburetors, and other maintenance requirements that I just didn’t want to deal with anymore. After all, I was close to retiring and wanted to simplify my life and workload. Overall these utility vehicle choices had too many negatives, which also included unwanted engine noise. I mean, just the loud racket coming from an engine would annoy my new neighbors and stress the animals (horses, dogs and so on) if they saw me riding towards them.
So, after weeks of research I found only one solution that was specifically designed for dirt, gravel, grass, etc., which required virtually very little maintenance and performed without making any loud noises. Something actually that the whole family could easily use as well, the Cheeta Ninja – an All-Terrain Mobility Scooter by “Green Transporter”.
This little ATV-like Mobility Scooter is NOT your grandmother’s get-around electric wheelchair, it’s an advance state of the art all-terrain type transporter that offers convenience and practicality that the other options did not.
What was described as a cross between a single person golf cart and senior mobility scooter, the Cheeta Ninja has transformed into a serious value piece of utility machinery and exactly what I was looking for, and what I believe a lot of other people in my similar situation would be interested in as well, a capable mini work horse.
It’s true there are one or two similar and more expensive motor scooter options out there that might offer the same capabilities, but take it from experience, with more gadgets, sleek design, and part additions to anything come more problems like added weight, less stability, and so forth. Basically the more parts something has, the more likelihood it will breakdown. Like the Glock hand gun, it has proven the less internal parts a component has, the more reliable the product will be. Going with Green Transporter’s Cheeta Ninja seemed to mean less of a chance for failures as the overall design was barebone simple.
Green Transporter does also offer additional accessories for the Cheeta Ninja, like a front windshield canopy top roof, and a rear attachment hitch, but the overall simplicity of the standard unit is what makes this vehicle stand out over the others, and why it was my number one choice for working and getting around my property. Not to mention, this machine reminded me of Apollo 15, 16 and 17’s remarkable Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV). I mean our astronauts didn’t explore the lunar surface of the moon riding a tractor or lawnmower.
Just like the Lunar Roving Vehicle, the reason I went with the Cheeta Ninja is because of its modern trouble-free operation, and its advance soft start and smart electronic braking system. Like NASA’s battery powered lunar dune buggy, because of the purposefully unassuming design the manufacturers at Green Transporter were able to keep the cost down to a minimum without sacrificing the quality and reliability. While others in the same field sell their ATV-type scooters for well over $5,000, Green Transporter’s Cheeta Ninja can easily be found for well under that price tag. Other cost saving reasons I chose the Cheeta Ninja was because I was able to avoid having to pay the Department of Motor Vehicles a registration fee! You see, the DMV requires any all-terrain vehicle to go through the process of being registered (which means yearly fees). So, right out of the gate I saved time and money by avoiding the burden of registration and fees. Yet, I am still able to take the Cheeta Ninja off my property to run local errands without registration or insurance as long as I drive within the bicycle lanes.
So for those who might be thinking about getting a roundabout vehicle option to ride along your property and maybe do some light landscaping and cleaning with, or just run errands around your neighborhood, here’s the full lowdown on the Cheeta Ninja which I like to call a “Rove-Scoot” because that’s exactly what this creation is, a cross between an advance “rover” and mobility “scooter”.
(Below) This mini 4-wheeler reminded me of the Lunar Rover. Since exploring the moon was out of the question, I settled on my diversified earthly property and local neighborhood.

Before getting into the examination of this vehicle I need to state that the unit was promptly shipped cross-county by the manufacturer but ended up sitting at a local carrier facility for “several days” beyond the delivery date without anyone notifying me. But, once I enquired about the delay the local dispatch center had it at my door the following morning.
(Below) TForce delivering Green Transporter’s Cheeta Ninja.

(Below) Door to door service included the shippers conveniently placing the freight right into my garage, making the receiving process very accommodating.

(Below) Removing the unit from the box was also convenient as everything was packaged very nicely.

Although the unit does not come fully assembled, it only requires 2 or 3 steps to complete. Attach the chair, steering column, and battery. That’s basically it.
(Below) The steering column simply needs 2 bolts screwed in for assembly.

(Below) The chair’s bottom rod simply slips into the opening slot (Left). To adjust the seat’s height position remove the locking pin under the chair and raise or lower to your needs and then return the pin (Right).

(Below) Lastly, just place the battery into the battery receptacle at the front (Left), and tightly fasten the Velcro strap to secure it in place (Center & Right).

The scooter does come with other accessories that can be installed on the vehicle (Baskets, Mirrors, storage bags and so on), but there are plenty of online videos to explain how to install those things. Basically these are the simple steps you would need to take to assemble the unit and get it up and running. For my personal needs I only needed to attach one front cargo basket (although it comes with 3 cargo baskets) and a rear hitch to tow materials around the property.
(Below) The front basket simply screws in place over the battery (Left & Center), and a rear attachment hitch is what I installed for my own personal setup (Right).

The next step was to power up this little beauty and that meant charging the battery. The Cheeta Ninja’s power comes from a 48V 18aH lithium Battery that is strategically placed in front of the scooter which assists with the overall weight distribution of the vehicle.
Realizing that sometimes reading an instruction manual can be a little confusing, I’ll provide here the basic rundown regarding the first battery charge.
(Below) Manuals can often be confusing and intimidating, but charging the Cheeta Ninja scooter battery is pretty straight forward.

To charge the battery simply plug one end of the provided power cord into the scooter’s battery and then plug the other end of the power cord into any standard wall outlet (note it is highly suggested that you plug right into the wall outlet and “not” use an extension cord).
(Below) First plug into the battery (Left & Center), and then plug into the wall outlet (Right).

(Below) Once charging begins you will see the charging indicator turn RED (Left). Once charging is complete the indicator light turns GREEN (Right).

When the battery is fully charged just unplug the charger in reverse order. Remove the charger’s power cord from the wall outlet first and then from the battery itself.
Although the battery charger is designed to prevent overcharging, your scooter's battery should never be charged for more than 24 consecutive hours. Between 8 and 14 hours of charging is what seems to be standard. It can’t get any easier,
Do take note that once you’ve gone through this “first charging stage” then after each day of use simply charge the battery overnight (again, for about 8-14hrs until the green indicating light comes on). It will take a few charging cycles like this, from the battery being “partially” drained, followed by recharging it fully for the battery to work its way to its peek performing capacity and essentially maintain its long life ability. So, basically after 4 or 5 proper charges, the battery will be able to charge completely to 100% of its capability and will last for a longer period of time. A healthy fully charged battery should give you around 25 miles of distance traveling range, depending on your weight and terrain. Keep in mind the scooter’s maximum weight load capacity is approximately 500lbs.
So, it’s worth remembering that to maintain the health of the battery and ensure using it to its maximum life span, charge the battery on a regular bases and do not let it completely drain out. Fully depleting the battery is "not" recommended. If by chance there ever is an issue with the battery, the (battery) manufacturer does provide a “limited warranty”.
In regards to the frequency of charging, use common sense. If you’re not going to use the unit more than once a week, then at least charge the battery once a week. Or, if you’re going to store the scooter away for any extended period of time it would probably be best to keep it in a dry normal temperature room and then physically disconnect the battery from the unit. Again, use simple common sense like never leave it outside in the elements and let it freeze-up. Trying to recharge a frozen battery (as it states in the manual) will more than likely damage it.
At this point it was time to plug the Cheeta Ninja’s power cable into the fully charged battery. But, before turning on the vehicle, I did another looky-loo around the machine. The steering handlebar is equipped with virtually everything needed to operate the unit. As well as side mirrors, it contains a turn signal switch, small yet functional “dashboard” screen with indicators (for voltage, battery level, mileage, speed, travel time etc.), a simple forward/reverse button, an on/off headlight switch, and if you'd like to add as I did, a convenient cellphone and water bottle holder.
(Below) Part of the handlebar’s nifty controls include from top to bottom, an on/off headlight switch, a left and right turn signal switch and a horn button (Left). As well, a simple and very handy red Drive and Reverse switch (Right).

(Below) Also along the handlebar is a small yet functional “dashboard” screen with indicators for Voltage, Battery Level, Speed, Travel Time, and Mileage.

(Below) The convenience of a cell phone and water bottle holder from the dealer was a nice added touch to round off the ease of use and accessibility of this machine.
(Below) Also worth mentioning is (another) convenient and generous size storage box located inconspicuously under the seat by the front floorboard.

The Cheeta Ninja’s seat (which comes with a seatbelt) is adjustable and can move forward and back as well as swivel to the side (a plus for easy dismounts). Also a plus with this customizable seat is that it’s interchangeable with a 2 (two) seater option (sold separately). So if you have a friend, child, pet, and so forth, you can accommodate them with the extra space.
(Below) In case you want company while zipping around the property or golf course, the Cheeta Ninja conveniently offers a one (Left) or two seat option (Right).

Another important part of the Cheeta Ninja is the handy (gear-like) yellow disengagement handle at the back of the scooter (on the bottom Right) next to the motor assembly. This little devise called the “Manual Freewheel Lever” when placed in the upward position disables the drive/brake system, allowing you to freely push the scooter forward or back (think of your motorcycle’s gear set to Neutral). So if for any reason the scooter needs to be pushed or moved (example, the battery discharged), simply lift this handle up and the unit will freely move on all 4 wheels. To reengage the drive system just lower the yellow lever back down and you’re back in business.
(Below) “The Manual Freewheel Lever” – Simply pull up on this yellow lever to put the scooter in natural.

Some key tips before handling the Manual Freewheel Lever include always ensuring that the scooter’s “on/off” key is removed from the key switch before using it and to never sit on the scooter as you’re handling it. And, it’s a good idea to make sure you’re on a level surface when using this lever as you wouldn’t want the scooter to go rolling away, or run you over (again because the braking system is disengaged when you pull up on it).
As for the wheels, the Cheeta Ninja comes with some very seriously robust tires that offer generous measurements for mobility in this category.

Personally I think the wheels are one of the superior features of this machine. Each wheel’s diameter is 8” with a width of 6”. Note, all wheel bearings are pre lubricated and sealed, so you don’t really have to worry about subsequent lubrications. The wheels have independent suspension ATV-like shocks, and each tire is covered by ABS plastic shrouds.
(Below) Cheeta Ninja’s rugged Mini ATV tires are sharp. These wheels can handle some serious terrain.

The durable plastic covers over the wheels are coated with advanced formula urethane paint. The material that makes up these fender-like covers supposedly do not breakdown easily. Although these fender/shrouds are definitely not heavy-duty by any means, the ABS plastic is made to last and does its job by protecting the parts it covers and shields the rider from stirred up dust and debris.
(Below) The four (4) independent front (Left) and rear (Right) shocks are well crafted, adjustable, and seem very durable.

(Below) Although not heavy-duty solid, these ABS plastic wheel cover shrouds do their job reasonably well.

To start using the Cheeta Ninja insert the key into the bottom rear key slot and turn it to the "on" position. Set the speed adjustment control knob (located to the right of the key slot) to your desired speed and then get on the scooter, select the “D” on the handlebar’s red drive switch and twist back on the right hand throttle control grip.
The closer you set the speed dial to the turtle image the slower the scooter will be able to move. The closer the dial is set to the rabbit image, the faster the scooter can travel. For first time riders, I’d suggest placing the dial somewhere in the middle. Also, really helpful is that Green Transporter states they are able to customize the acceleration throttle to the left hand grip for left handed people or they can even install a thumb throttle lever on the handlebar similar to an ATV. Just let your dealer know if you prefer one of these alternate options before they ship it out to you.
(Below) Side by side, the Power Key on/off Slot (Left), and the Speed Adjustment Control Knob (Right).

To stop the Cheeta Ninja, just slowly release pressure from the throttle control grip and the advanced electronic brake system will automatically engage and the scooter will come to a stop. The less pressure you apply to the throttle grip the slower the scooter will travel. So, if you want a nice smooth stop, then use common sense and don’t just let go of the throttle, apply a smooth release of the grip pressure.
One of the cool things about this scooter is that it has an automatic power down feature. So, if you accidently forget to turn the unit’s power off (by turning the key to the “off” position), the vehicle’s control system shuts down after 20 minutes which will help save battery power. If this happens and you want to get back on the road, simply turn the key switch to the “off” position and then back to the “on” position and you’ll be back on the road.
Another neat thing is the automatic safeguard feature built into the electronic controller system for overheating protection. If the temperature gets excessively hot, the scooter will go into a safety mode and operate under a reduced speed to prevent overheating and damage to the motor’s electrical components.
Overall there’s a lot to like about this modern mini lunar-type ATV vehicle. With a top speed of 14 mph a rider can zip around virtually “anywhere” on his/her property in no time compared to walking. Of course it’s understood that mobility scooters attempt to provide the ability to access most places but this Cheeta Ninja takes it to the next level. From cement pavement to dirt paths and rough gravel terrain, to climbing over street curbs (because of its hefty wheels and 5” ground clearance), this little 200lbs 4-wheel beast can maneuver gracefully through hallways, doorways, elevators, and get you up as much as a 35 degree incline.
(Below) With its 5” inch clearance, getting around and over curbs or uneven terrain is no problem.

Whether it’s an office building ramp or rugged dirt incline (or decline), simply set the rear speed dial (located behind and under the seat) to a slow setting and you’re ready to climb or descend (think of the speed dial as a helpful gear assist even though there’s no gear).
(Below) This 25 degree incline on my property was no problem for this little rover.

(Below) Inclines or declines, the Cheeta Ninja blazed forward like a trooper.

(Below) During my initial test of the Cheeta Ninja, I traversed everywhere around my diversified property. From loose gravel, through sandy collapsible soil, to rocks and high grass this little thing handled like a champ and made the experience fun to boot.

(Below) Whether you want the Cheeta Ninja to assist you on the big jobs (Left) or little garden projects (Right), this is a versatile and more than capable piece of machinery.

(Below) The Cheeta Ninja is truly a go anywhere transporting utility assist machine. It maneuvers through tight places with ease (Left) and can drop you off by your front steps (Center), or take you up a ramp and directly into the house (Right).

Of course when it comes to batteries and motors, the weight factor is always an issue. Meaning, the more weight the less mileage and power. But in regards to the Cheeta Ninja, I’m 6’4” tall and weigh slightly over 200lbs and have not incurred any issues, even while towing tools in my Gorilla field wagon.
(Below) My 200lbs plus weight and loaded wagon was never an issue for the Cheeta Ninja while working around the property.

The Cheeta Ninja is a fine looking ride. To keep its parts looking shiny (like the wheel cover shrouds) just apply some light wax on them to retain the high gloss. Avoid using water to rinse the scooter down and instead just use a leaf blower to remove the dirt and dust from the unit and wipe with a damp cloth.
Compared to all the other options I’ve researched and considered this Lunar Rover-resembling vehicle was/is a blast to ride and work with and became my trouble free alternative. But again I stress to use common sense to maintain this advance piece of machinery. Occasionally make sure all the wires are plugged in, the screws are tight, the tire air pressure is checked and kept at about 30PSI, and the electronics kept away from water. Doing these simple things and keeping it clean will help avoid any need to use the one-year limited warranty that it comes with. It’s not a bad idea to get a dust cover for it as well.
(Below) Common sense maintenance will go a long way in keeping the Cheeta Ninja lasting a long time by checking tire pressure (the PSI info is on the wheel) (Left), and regularly using a dust cover to protect the body. The one I’m using is a universal ATV cover Size: 86"L x 38"W x 41"H which fits perfectly (Right).


The Cheeta Ninja is not a toy by any means and should be treated like any other motor vehicle, with caution. Always keep your feet planted flatly on the baseboard when moving forward. It’s very easy to inadvertently keep your feet on the pavement and accidentally move forward and have both your heals run over by the back wheels. So ALWAYS keep your feet planted firmly on the baseboard after getting on the scooter. Remember, although this scooter doesn’t go 60 mph, depending on the terrain it does move fast enough to potentially get you hurt if you take a sharp corner at top speed or stop abruptly. So always use good judgement and common sense.
(Below) The rubber floorboard mat is there for a reason. Keep your feet on it at all times when sitting and driving the scooter.

(Below) The Cheeta Ninja comes with a modest front headlight (Left) and turn signals (Right). Use them. If you ride on the streets at night remember the scooter is dark in color and has a low profile. Stay safe. Turn on the headlight and use the signal blinkers.

Again, I’m pretty sure our National Aeronautics and Space Administration couldn’t envision our brave astronauts on the moon riding around the lunar surface on a farm tractor or lawnmower. Nor could I see our astronauts having to change an ATV’s oil filter or fix a broken chain up there 227,000 miles away from earth. So, if the battery operated option and similar design was good enough for them, well, it’s good enough for me.
Yes indeed, like the first human-driven vehicle on another celestial object, the Lunar Rover, the Cheeta Ninja requires no registration, no insurance, no gas, no oil, no oil-filters, no spark-plugs, no carburetors, no choke switch, no chains, no-nonsense and no headaches which makes it a no-brainier.
(Below) It being in a class of its own, instead of a mobility scooter, the developers should have called this little beast what it is, …

Do you want to feel like a farmer, ancient senior citizen, or cosmic explorer when riding around your neighborhood -

Body Size: 53 x 31 x 36 without rack and baskets
Body Size: 63 x 31 x 36 with rack and rear basket
Overall dimension: 77 inches x 31 inches x 77 inches
Weight capacity: 500lbs
Motor: 48V/1100W
Charger: 48V/ 5A
Incline capability: 35 degrees
Range: Up to 28 miles per battery charge
Max. Forward Speed: 114-15 mph
Front tire / Rear tire: 8 inches x 6 inches (air tires)
Controller: 120A
Lithium Battery 48V/30AH
Recharge time: 2-4 hrs.
Turning radius (min) 70”
Ground Clearance: 5 inches
Net weight: 205lbs (with batteries)
The Cheeta Ninja is available for purchase at:
from anyone of the following dealers listed... HERE
For more info: Please go to Green Transporter’s Website:
Photos: Images within this review are copyrighted by Joe Zimmerman/Damfinoroads. Additional photos uploaded and/or scanned are used for informative, editorial, and educational purposes only. Certain images, logos, and other respective materials may be copyrighted by their respective owners. No rights are given or implied in any way.