Superhero at Large!
Joe Zimmerman
Idolizing and admiring superheroes is often a gesture of appreciation and respect. Who those heroes are that we honor in society can be significant in that these gallant cloaked characters can actually contribute to our morality and our quality of life. While one hero may provide something as simple as inspiration to exercise, another may battle and champion rights for serious causes or support those less fortunate by sacrificing. One such elusive superhero that sacrifices and who’s been mostly under the radar but very much worth our consideration for his magnificent deeds will now have his identity revealed.
Comparable to heroes like successful entrepreneur billionaire Bruce Wayne (aka Batman), owner of Wayne Enterprises, the hero we’re unmasking today is also a successful entrepreneur who himself is the president of a major corporation, General Sealants, Inc. This man whose life very much parallels with that of Bruce Wayne’s, whose alter ego is Batman, also has a double life under the disguise of B. B. Motorsports. While Bruce Wayne finds refuge and solitaire in his private and secluded world famous Bat-Cave somewhere under Wayne Manner outside of Gotham City, our champion also withdraws from the public to his own BBM Brad-Cave located somewhere in the universe of Costa Mesa, California - but, the comparison of similarities of these two defenders of nobility doesn’t stop here.

As CEO of Wayne Enterprises, Bruce Wayne devotes much of his time, resources and money to charitable causes through The Wayne Foundation which contributes to needy organizations. Again, like Bruce Wayne, our hero also devotes his time, resources and money to needy organizations as well. Despite these fantastic similarities of both men providing much needed employment to countless lives and giving themselves to charitable and worthy causes while maintaining double lives with one in possession of envious cool gadgets, and the other possessing a super collection of fantastic motorcycles, only one of these heroic men is actually a real life human being while the other is simply make-believe, a fictitious made up character. But with truth and sincerity, no matter how you slice it, fantasy always takes second fiddle to the real deal. So welcome to the real deal, The Incredible Mr. Brad Boyle, of Brad Boyle Motorsports.

Brad Boyle, the owner and caretaker of a vast sea of collectable motorcycles has made his constructive mark in many lives and in many ways. One such example of his support and contributions to causes that truly benefit our community in a real honest and tangible way that changes lives would be with the Boys Republic.
Boys Republic, servicing our community since 1907 facilitating in aiding thousands of troubled youths with their programs, many children of whom are re-offenders from the court juvenile system and who arrive through recommendations from probation officers, is just one of many worthy recipients of Brad Boyle’s gallant efforts of derring-do. Using his success, and the influence of his unbelievable collection of motorcycles, he has donated his resources to this invaluable organization for several years now. Boys (and Girls) Republic is an institute with professionally trained staff that provides troubled youth everything from learning skills like masonry, bakery, woodshop, auto tech, metal working and printing to opportunities to go through a customary High School curriculum to continue their education via their Chino Hills campus. Brad Boyle’s support for Boys Republic is driven by the fact that their students learn real-world habits and skills necessary for entry-level jobs and that most graduate to become productive members of our communities via the organization’s successful treatment programs.
Below (center): The very man himself, Brad Boyle addressing attendees at one of his sponsored barbeque events with proceeds going to the Boys Republic.

For 10 years the Boys Republic has had a partnered relationship with The Friends of Steve McQueen Car and Motorcycle Show and together they have annual events that include culinary services, venues, exhibitions, contests and award ceremonies to benefit the children. As an adolescent, legendary actor Steve McQueen himself was a troubled youth who benefitted from the organization and is a 1946 alumnus.
Below: Steve McQueen regularly returning and visiting Boys Republic, giving back to the very institution he credits for “saving his life”. McQueen’s influential testimonial to the institution’s success and its relevancy was a rock-solid endorsement.

It’s via the McQueen Show and Don Ince, a Steve McQueen historian and contributor to the show, where Brad started taking note of the organization. Since then he has donated finances, energy, time and resources including exhibiting his unbelievable collection of motorcycles and hosting his renowned BBQ events. “Brad has been incredibly generous through the years to the Friends of Steve McQueen Car and Motorcycle Show”, states Chris Burns, executive director at Boys Republic, “and he genuinely cares about the boys and girls we work with. He has invited them to the annual car and motorcycle show kick-off BBQs that he throws at his property in Costa Mesa each year which involves them (the kids) in the day’s event so that his guests get an opportunity to understand what they are supporting”.
Below: Brad Boyle with Boys Republic executive director, Chris Burns.

From the office of Chris Burns:
“Brad Boyle is a fixture of the Friends of Steve McQueen Car and Motorcycle Show which supports Boys Republic. He is usually the high bidder on the original Nicolas Hunziker theme painting each year, helped fund a custom Porsche 911 build along with Peter Dunkel and Danny McKenna that went to auction to support the agency and has helped grow the motorcycle involvement in the show to the level that the name of the event was eventually changed to include “motorcycle” back in 2013 when we celebrated the famous jump scene from the Steve McQueen motion picture, The Great Escape.
Brad’s involvement and contributions have helped Boys Republic remodel the student cottages, renovate their gymnasium and build a state of the art culinary center for their vocational education. The organization and the Friends of Steve McQueen Car and Motorcycle Show has been permanently impacted by his care and generosity. He has become part of the Boys Republic family and we truly appreciate his friendship”.
Below: Brad Boyle appearing with some of his incredible collections of motorcycles at the extraordinary Friends of Steve McQueen Car and Motorcycle Show for the Boys Republic.

Brad’s world of corporate business with domestic and foreign affairs entwined with charitable endeavors is the classic superhero narrative. And staying true to that narrative, which includes that every good superhero has to have an alter ego and a hidden private dwelling, our hero is no exception. Brad Boyle’s alter ego also includes a secluded private refuge that is home to hundreds and hundreds of rare and extraordinary motorcycles. So, with that, let’s roll to the Brad-Cave.
Below: Brad Boyle’s alter ego and a rare inside glimpse of the Brad-Cave at the hidden world of Brad Boyle Motorsports.

Joe: Brad, first let me thank you for doing this. I know you’re a busy guy and I appreciate you allowing me this unique opportunity to visit your world. My first question to you is, why motorcycles? When did you start getting interested in bikes?
Brad: Well, Joe. Years ago we grew up with very little. As a young boy I was fortunate enough to be able to get a newspaper route in my area. So, as I was able to save some money, I bought a Taco 22 minibike. Out of all the minibikes that they made, it was the smallest and least expensive. I delivered the newspapers using that minibike which allowed me to deliver more papers. After I sold my paper-route to a friend and ended up doing a little better financially, I bought another minibike. That second bike was a Taco 44. And so it kind of grew from then on, I’d say.
Joe: I’m sure you have the Taco 22 in your collection today.
Brad: Ah, let’s say I have a few. Yes.
Joe: Right, well those were the minibikes. What was the first full size bike that you bought?
Brad: Well at the time I had the minibikes, I never could afford an actual motorcycle. But it was okay because my friends had them and I could ride theirs. But I always wanted a Husqvarna or a Bultaco and those were “way” out of my reach. But the first motorcycle would have been a red Honda SL90. It was one of the first dual sport motorcycles back in the day, at least as Honda was concerned. It came with all the lights, but I took that stuff off of it. In fact, because of my reassembling it I think my dad said I “could f**K up a perfectly good motorcycle faster than anyone I know”. But, that only encouraged me more.
Below: Motorbike collector Brad Boyle’s first twos: His first minibike, the Taco 22 (Left), and first full size motorcycle, the red Honda SL90 (Right).

Brad (Cont.): So I played with the SL90 for a while and got better on a bike and ended up graduating to a DT-1 250 Yamaha, which also was an Enduro. It was the first Enduro that Yamaha made. I paid $300 for it and I took off the lights from that too and that’s what I raced for a number of years. At the time, Husky’s and Bultaco’s were well over $1,000 and well out of my reach.
Joe: So this had to be around 1967, 1968?
Brad: Yeah. In the late 60’s and right into the early 70’s. Yes, because 1968 was when I started racing and the Yamaha DT-1 came out.

Joe: So is that what you always wanted to do, race? Where did that come from?
Brad: Well, when I was younger I always told myself two things, Joe. One was I was going to collect a few motorcycles and the other was (always) wanting a diesel truck. Part of my life before the sealant company was driving a diesel truck, but I just wanted one for my personal enjoyment, to have fun with, not to have one to make a living with. Once I got started in business and things were getting better, I was able to have those things. Anyway, once motocross started, I was able to buy that 250 Yamaha for the $300 so I just started to race motocross. It (the money) didn’t give me too much of a bike but if I could ride better than the other guy a lot of times I’d do better than they did. At the time, Motocross was just at its infancy stages in the early 70’s and I found that to be real exciting. It was not necessarily rewarding for me in any way except that I had a lot of fun.
Below: A stunning painting of Brad Boyle racing in sunny California at Carlsbad USGP, early 1970s on his 1968 Yamaha DT-1 250.

Joe: During all that fun, did you ever take any bad spills?
Brad: Oh, yeah. I broke my back, broke my leg, my shoulder, my arm, fingers. Yeah, and that was the thing my mother was most concerned about obviously, but for me, that was the thing I was least concerned about.
Joe: Were your parents on board with you buying minibikes and motorcycles?
Brad: Well, kind of because I used the paper route as an excuse. But when I started with the motorcycles and started racing, I did not tell my parents. At the 3rd race, the 3rd weekend, I finished in 3rd place and got a trophy which I put in my motorcycle bag and when I got home my mom found it. Well, then she asked me what it (the trophy) was. You see I had told my parents that my friend, Danny McKenna and I were going to go out to Lake Elsinore and spend the night and go riding but the truth of it all was we’d go down to Lions Drag strip where they had a motocross track and we would race there every Friday night. So, once my parents came, and I ended up of course crashing most every practicing race, my mother was hysterical so she didn’t come to any more races.
Joe: How’d you feel about that, that your mom stopped coming to your races?
Brad: Joe, I’d say if anything, I was disappointed. But, with the exception of that, I also didn’t have to worry about her worrying about me and so I could go on to do what I needed to do, or try to do (race).
Joe: Right. Well, where originally did you grow up and had that paper route and rode your Taco minibikes?
Brad: La Habra California is where I had the paper routes and then we ended up moving to Fullerton, California and that’s when I got the full size motorcycle. There were a lot of hills around us and some horse trails that led to the hills. So the area was kind of known as “Motorcycle Hill” on Beach Blvd. It had some really great hills and we’d make tracks and practice and goof around and race each other. So we did a lot of that in Fullerton.
Joe: So, you went from minibikes to dirt bikes and I saw pictures of you riding choppers. Did you have any particular interest in one style of riding over another? Did you just always enjoy all different kinds of bikes?
Brad: Well, I always liked dirt bikes. We’d go to the desert or ride around the Fullerton area and places like that. And then we started racing at saddleback Motocross in Orange County, Indian Dunes in Valencia and Lions Drag Strip in Wilmington and other motocross places that were becoming more popular. But then when I was about 19 years old, I saw a real cool chopper. And at the time, of course Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper were making those types of bikes famous because of the movie Easy Rider. So, as I said, I saw this really beautiful yellow one and I asked my dad for some help to buy it, but he told me “absolutely not”. So, I replied, “well I’d get the money from the bank”. He said, “they won’t loan you the money”. Well, all that did was encourage me even more. So, I went to the bank and they absolutely did loan me the money and about a week later I bought my first street bike we’ll call it, or chopper. I rode that bike for a long time, but eventually ended up breaking my back on it. It’s one of those stories where it wasn’t my fault but I was the one who was hurt. But since then I grew to love all motorcycles. So yes, I like all motorcycles with certain ones more so than others but I always had kind of a fondness for choppers.
Joe: Right. In regards to the accident on the chopper, despite it being the other person’s fault, looking back do you think if you were riding a different kind of motorcycle would it have made a difference because sometimes handling these choppers isn’t easy because of control limitations?
Brad: I would say it totally would have made a difference, if not a 100% difference. This bike had real long extended forks, a terrible front brake and the back brake wasn’t much better. Its overall handling as in all choppers was not good either. So, taking in the combination of those factors, if I had been on a regular bike I probably would have had the ability to avoid it. But that accident did slow down my racing career.
Joe: Right, it reminds me of the stories from the behind the scenes making of Easy Rider and the difficulties the stars had actually riding their choppers in the film because of the design of the bikes.
Brad: Oh, I’ll bet. I spent a little time with Peter Fonda one day before he passed away. He told me that the bike he rode, Captain America, was the most difficult bike he had ever ridden.
Joe: That’s the movie that put him on the map along with popularizing choppers.
Brad: Yeah, they certainly became a lot more popular very fast because of the movie.
Below: Brad Boyle with Easy Rider motion picture star, actor Peter Fonda.
Joe: Fonda’s Captain America bike was a rare classic. And speaking of that, rare classics, in regard to your enormous motorcycle collection, what’s the most or rather, rarest bike you have in your collection?
Brad: I would say it’s the 1926 Scott Squirrel that Steve McQueen owned and the one Von Dutch, the pinstriper and painter, restored. He and Steve McQueen for a long time were close friends and though the bike belonged to Steve, he let Von Dutch borrow it and ride it because he needed transportation. So in return, Von Dutch cleaned it and fixed it up and returned it to Steve and eventually I was lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time, and it was available. So, that definitely, for me, is the most unique or certainly one of, if not the most, unique bikes in the collection.
Below: Manufactured in England, Brad Boyle’s pride possession, Steve McQueen’s limited produced 1926 Scott Squirrel. The first water-cooled motorcycle.

Joe: To acquire these amazing bikes, what’s the most you’ve ever bid at an auction for a motorcycle?
Brad: Probably between $60,000 to $70,000.
Joe: For which bike would that have been?
Brad: That would have been the Scott. I bought it because of the history. And, I’ve been very lucky and blessed as the bike has become a lot more popular and a lot more valuable than what I had paid for it by far. It’s also been in a number of Steve McQueen’s books as one of his favorite motorcycles.
Joe: Did you ever try searching other bikes that belonged to McQueen?
Brad: Yeah, I did. I’ve been very blessed to get to know Chad McQueen over the last 10 years and a couple of bikes have come up available but it was a time when the prices were higher and I wasn’t able at the time to put things together to make it happen. As well there were other people who were interested and I had to let it go because of those reasons.
Joe: Yeah, the value on some of these vehicles is through the roof. I read somewhere that the Steve McQueen 68 Bullitt mustang sold at an auction for over $3 Million.
Brad: Yeah I know. We had at the Steve McQueen Show at Boys Republic in Chino a couple of cars where some were lookalikes but one of the spare cars they used in the movie (Bullitt), I remember it went for about $400,000 or $500,000 and the purchaser wanted to be anonymous but they did it because it all went to a great cause.
Joe: Right. Well, speaking of the Boys Republic, I understand there’s also a Girls Republic and that even Muhammad Ali’s daughter, boxer Laila Ali attended the program there. Could you share with me how you got involved with their organization?
Brad: Yeah, that’s true. Well, I started collecting motorcycles about 10 years ago. And during that time I was looking for mostly Husqvarna’s and Bultaco’s and in fact I think I’ve got 56 Husqvarna’s now. During my search for these bikes I got to know Don Ince. And Don talked about how The Steve McQueen Car Show was going to add motorcycles to their event. And they knew that I had this private collection of bikes and so they invited me. So I brought 2 or 3 motorcycles out to the show and the bikes were a hit. So from that point on I started bringing 5 or 6 bikes, specifically for display for people to see and learn about them and the history each one had. But, mostly Don was the reason I got involved.
Below: Motorcycle specialist Don Ince (left) with the renowned Motorcycle collector Brad Boyle (Right) converse over one of Brad’s 56 Husqvarna motorcycles.

Brad (Cont.): But my main reason for staying with the show is that the percentage of young men and women going through the program successfully are up in the high percentile range and do not get in trouble again. And, I’m the kind of guy that believes in giving people a second chance and I felt the Boys Republic was doing that successfully, giving people that second chance. We shared the same philosophy, had the same thoughts. So, I got more involved more and more with bikes and cars and some financial things including sponsoring. I could see the good work that they were doing and how the boys and girls transformed from how they were when they arrived at the school and from when they graduated. We have a lot of graduates today from there that are attorneys, physicians and everything in-between, simply fine young adults now.
Below: Brad Boyle, with Friends of Steve McQueen Car and Motorcycle Show co-chairman Chad McQueen and Boys Republic students celebrating at a VIP dinner auction.

Author's Note:
To underline Brad Boyle’s testimonial regarding the kind of results Boys Republic produces, one only need examine their long list of prolific alumni stories like, Ben Mason. Ben is a great example of a role model graduate who has gone on to own a very successful Property Management Company in San Diego, California (Stay San Diego, Inc.). He has regularly attended the car show dinners that Brad supports and has been generous in the live auctions they have as well. Ben has continued to give back by donating vacations, artwork, and attending and speaking at the Car Show rallies.
Below: 2019 Car Show rally with (Left to Right) the Car Show Rally co-chair, Gareth Ashworth and Ben Mason (at the podium).

Joe: Brad, your influence has certainly made an impact in many lives. Are there celebrities or famous people that have wanted to meet you and see your collection of goodies?
Brad: Yes, actually a number of them: Marty Tripes the famous motocross rider, Malcolm Smith, and Preston Petty have been here a number of times, as well as Dave Ekins who’s one of my top visitors, just a great guy too. He and I became great friends in a shorter period of time than anybody in my life. He’s simply a great gentleman with a great family. A huge motorcycle rider and mechanic on bikes and of course we all know he and Bud Ekins were brothers.
Below: Appearing at the Brad-Cave, legendary AMA Motorcycle Hall of Famer, pioneer, racer, stuntman, mechanic Dave Ekins with Brad Boyle.

Brad (Cont.): There have been a number of other riders here as well like Jeremy McGrath and people like that who have come by to see it at different times as well as some Hollywood celebrities like Grizzly Adams star Dan Haggerty had been here many times. In fact I have some of his motorcycles, all choppers. A good guy and we miss him. He should have lived a lot longer than he did. And we’ve had sports stars like Reggie Jackson here many times too.
Below: Just some of the well-known industry professionals and celebrities that have visited the legendary Brad-Cave housing his enormous private collection.

Joe: How did that all happen? How did these people end up in your private museum, from word-of-mouth, friends of friends, or did they simply contact you on the phone requesting to see the collection?
Brad: Oh yeah, I’d get calls out of the blue from people that have heard about it or had seen a picture of the collection somewhere. They’d request a time and date to come by and tour the wide selection and they’d reminisce about it. I never put this together Joe, as anything but a fun thing for me but shortly after-words I found out I could use it for many different charities and big BBQ events or diverse organizations in need of aid. So, everything about having this unique collection and the result of it made me feel very good on a personal level. The collection was not only benefiting me, but at this late part of my life I can watch a lot of other people benefiting and enjoying it as well. The other thing that is really cool and something I always think about is, I enjoy watching the people who had not been here before and seeing their reaction when they first come in. Usually there are different kinds of words used after they enter, but one of those words is simply “wow”, and that “I had a friend who had one of these bikes when he was 8 years old”. Stuff like that is great, where you can see the excitement they’d get from reminiscing about the days that these bikes were the only bikes and were really popular because either they had one or a friend had one, or like me, they wanted one.

Joe: Right, well the word I was thinking, or rather what I remember saying when I entered your building was “wow, this is overwhelming for me”. I first anticipated visiting you and asking questions about a bike or two but then when I was actually in the presence of your collection it truly overwhelmed me and I realized it was impossible. I mean everywhere I turned; each motorcycle had its own unique story.
Brad: Yes.
Joe: There were just too many motorcycles to do justice to the collection in the manner I wanted to tell this story. How many motorcycles actually do you think you have?
Brad: Around eight hundred, maybe more?
Joe: Out of all those hundreds of motorcycles in your collection do you have any one bike that you couldn’t part with that you would never sell regardless of what anyone offered to buy it for?
Brad: I don’t know if I have one of those. I do have the Husqvarna’s and Bultaco’s and the DT1 Yamaha that I raced back in the day, those are the 3 favorites of mine. I have certain other favorites but for different reasons. And I do get a little overwhelmed sometimes myself when I go down there, thinking “what have I done, holy cow?” But, then when I see all the people benefit from it then I feel content. It’s always about doing good for somebody else, as I never expect anything in return for the events I host. And I’ll tell you another quick story. I used to have about 200 bikes here at the house before I got really invested with the bike collection and my mother came over and I said “come out to the garage. I want to show you something”. Well, she looked in the garage and had tears in her eyes. She said, “what have you done”? And I said, “Mom, please this is something I’ve always wanted to do. I never could afford to do. And, now I’ve been blessed to be able to do. And it benefits other people as well as myself”. And she asks, “why so many though” ? So I explained to her, “see the motorcycle over there, I was dating Tonya Horne as a junior in high school”. And I continued to give her examples of stories with at least half the bikes and she stopped crying and said, “I think I get it. Each one of them has a meaning for you”. I said, “yeah, some more than others, some different. But that they all have a little bit of the history of my life, or what I did or wanted to do”.

Joe: Simply very very cool. But, Brad I would assume that by now though that you’ve reached a point that if you’re walking down a hallway you might not even realize that you have something in your collection.
Brad: Joe, you’re right. I had an interesting thing happen to me the other day. A friend told me that a friend of his wanted a 125 Honda from a certain year because he had one as a kid and all those memories meant a lot to him. So he asked me if I had one and if I would be willing to sell it. So, I said, “first of all I don’t know if I have one, and second of all, you know me - I don’t sell too many things. But, if it means this much to that man, I’ll look and see if I have one and I’d consider selling it”. Well, I sold it yesterday. So I did have one but I had to look around a couple of times for it. But sure enough there was one there in beautiful shape and this gentleman was so excited on the phone that I had one, he asked me to name a price. Well, I’m not that kind of guy. If I sell it, I’ll just sell it for what it’s worth. So I ended up selling it to him yesterday and next week he’ll take possession of it. But, I can’t tell you how thrilled he was.
Joe: I can just imagine. It kind of reminds me of the days in the 70’s when we were all kids trading baseball cards. How excited we would be finding that elusive rare card, very neat.
Brad: Yes. And that reminds me of marbles.
Joe: I’d be surprised if anyone today understands that, marbles. My brother use to play marbles and had a huge collection.
Brad: Yeah, well I was one of those guys who understands those things. Cat eyes, steelies, I can remember the days of losing one by not getting it close enough into the circle. You know, it was a marble, but it meant a lot to me.
Joe: Absolutely, absolutely, I get it. And it’s incredible that this isn’t your full time gig.
Brad: Yeah, a lot of people ask me “what do you do for a living. Do you build bikes? Do you sell them”? I tell them “no, I actually own a sealant manufacturing company that has nothing to do with what I do on a hobby bases and I’ve just been lucky enough to meet a lot of nice people and get the right bikes for the right price, and the rest is history”.
Below: By DAY: Mild-mannered President of General Sealants, Inc., Brad Boyle (Left, and Right center first row).

Below: By NIGHT: Brad Boyle, mild-mannered President of General Sealants, Inc. working in his Brad-Cave, …

… and here displaying just an example of one of his rooms filled with his amazing sea of incredible motorcycles.

Joe: Brad, will there ever come a point and time when you will stop collecting?
Brad: You know, I tell myself that, yes. And then, actually in the last month I found two more that I couldn’t live without, and for different reasons. So, I guess I would say that I’ve slowed down, partially because of room and partially because I don’t need one more motorcycle. I think what I’ve got is enough. I’ve been blessed to have friends and people to help me take care of them and keep them in the shape that they’re in. Like we talked about earlier, sometimes it’s a little overwhelming to realize they all require some kind of paperwork like registration, and insurance, plus maintenance. But, will I stop? Probably not. Slow down? Yes.
Joe: Well, speaking of the people in your circle. I mean, Batman had Robin and Alfred in his corner. Who are the people in your corner that keep the Brad-Cave goodies maintained?
Brad: Well, you’ve met Gene, Gene Gustafson. I have another good friend named Mark Rosenthal who does all the mechanical parts of things. He’ll come and pick up a half dozen bikes and takes them to his house where he’s got all the stuff to work on them and makes sure they’re running well and in good condition. Then he’d bring them back and pick up a few more. I also have two very dependable full time detail guys Sean Allen and Patrick Lemke (of Wise Guys Detailing) that also take care of the bikes which is almost a full time job, if not, then it is. They’ve been doing this for me for a number of years, great guys. Without these few names that I just mentioned there’s no way I could maintain the collection or keep them in the condition they’re in. But I would have to say that my number one person behind a lot of this is Cecilia Lara. CeCe has been with me and working with me for 33 years in the sealant business and has given a lot of her time and energy. She handles everything from the sealant business to the charity BBQ’s. She does it with the help of others to make it all happen, and has, and I believe always will. I’m very blessed to have her on board for such a very long time.
Below: Cecilia Lara, loyal and tireless assistant and confidant to Brad Boyle provides vital support for the organization’s operations.

Joe: Every superhero has a team behind them, like Superman with Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen. So, it’s cool how you acknowledge your team.

Brad: Well, Joe. I’m just a plain old guy that was a little bit lucky to get to where I am today. And, money isn’t that important. The bike collection and the people that enjoy it and what it does for others is today more important than my own gratification of simply collecting them.
Joe: I have to tell you then what it did for me when I was privileged to be there. It was absolutely a head trip. The feeling I had was like being a little kid again in a very large and colorful candy store full of wonderful treats. There aren’t many if anything today at my age that makes me feel like that. So what you’re offering is truly healing to the soul.
Brad: I agree. That’s what it’s for. For people to enjoy it like we would if we were going into a candy store like a kid, but for older kids though.
Joe: Yeah, exactly. And this older kid appreciates what you’ve done and hope that your estate maintains this throughout the years in the future.
Brad: I hope so too.

Brad Boyle is a man who helps implement change from within the minds and souls of people from all walks of life. A man whose super powers include rejuvenating human souls, not by web slinging or driving a bat-mobile or even twirling a god’s hammer or using an indestructible shield, but with the use of his astonishing sea of remarkable two-wheel machines.
Although traditional super heroes are usually known as crime-fighters, champions of preventing established criminals from doing harm to our fragile society, Brad Boyle is fundamentally doing the same thing by aiding organizations like Boys Republic to avert young minds from ever becoming those serious lawbreakers. Because he is capable of doing what most average mortals cannot, we should all be grateful he uses his powers of success and incredible motorcycle collection for the good of mankind, because in so doing, Mr. Brad Boyle is aiding to better our world for generations to come.
And now …

For More Information from some of the mentioned organizations please go to:

(Contributing assistance to this article: Don Ince, Chris Burns and Aaron Zimmerman)
Photos: Courtesy of Don Ince, Brad Boyle, Dave Parker, Chris Burns and Bergstrom Photography. (Additional user uploaded photos and scans are used for informative, promotional, editorial, and educational purposes only. All images, logos, and other respective materials are copyright by their respective owners. No rights are given or implied in any way)